Sustainable Building "Very Important" to 84% of Residents

Multifamily developers should be aware of an AMLI Residential survey finding that:

  • 84% of apartment residents find sustainable building as very important or moderately important to them;
  • 85% believe living in a sustainable home is beneficial to their health; 
  • 64% would pay more to live in a green community;
  • 77% believe green living features saved them money on utilities; and
  • 93% want energy and water-efficient features.

These findings, reported in Multifamily Executive, fall in line with trends that RunBrook sees in the residential multifamily market.  As developers meet consumer demand, RunBrook is helping customers build sustainable buildings in a cost-effective manner. At the same time, our team is helping developers' marketing and sales teams highlight building features and benefits that are important to buyers.

RunBrook is a team of experts in building sustainably and boosting value. RunBrook's consultants, energy modeling professionals, certified energy raters and field inspectors add more value per square foot by optimizing the sustainable design and construction process. For more information, visit: